Redefining Success

Success as defined by our society is measured in terms of Dollars.

This is counterproductive to our happiness because we cannot control the process of making money.

There are too many variables out of our direct control.

Monetary success is like a Relay Race.

Your part in a relay is important but not sufficient to win the race.

You must rely on others to win.

You can only control your leg of the race, from the moment you get the baton, run and hand off the baton.

You can run the best leg of your life, hand the baton off and the person trips and never makes across the Finish Line.

Are you a failure? No.

Are you a success?

If you Redefine Success properly, then you are a success.

Redefine Success to be limited to the things you can fully control and then you will succeed more times than you fail.

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